What was a Greek Hoplite? - A Guide for Key Stage 2
Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Hoplites were the warriors of Ancient Greece. Each hoplite was a citizen of a city-state who could be called upon to don their armour in a time of war. For example, if you were a male living in Athens and were between the ages of 18 – 60 you could find yourself fighting in a Phalanx formation.
Hoplites were armed with a huge spear, measuring a massive 2.5 metres in length and made from ash wood, called a doru. Their side weapon was a short sword, ideal for stabby stabbing, named a xiphos.
These two weapons made Hoplites deadly both at long range and up close too. Armour varied over the 300 years that Hoplites were in action; initially, the soldier citizens would wear a breastplate made of bronze or leather – called a thorax – to stop their innards from being removed by a particularly enthusiastic Persian warrior.
Later Hoplites wore armour made from layered laminated linen called a Linothorax. Despite sounding about as effective as going into battle wearing every single one of your t-shirts, the Linothorax actually provided increased protection and was much lighter than a thorax.
Hoplites carried large circular shields dubbed Hoplon. They were made from wood or leather and were faced with bronze, which meant a Hoplon weighed the same as a King Charles spaniel! Most Hoplons had an image on the front, a popular depiction was of Medusa – infamous for being able to turn her enemies to stone.
All in all, a Hoplite would carry some 20kg of gear, that’s like carrying a bag filled with 6,400 t-bags!
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