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Keystage 1 Workshops

“My Y2 class was thoroughly engaged during the workshop. They responded really well to active learning with fun drama-based activities.”

Bradford Grammar Junior


“The children had an entertaining and engaging experience and they learned lots of new things about Florence Nightingale and the Scutari Hospital. We will definitely recommend you guys to colleagues.”

Dallas Road Primary


Our Keystage 1 drama-history workshops are specifically designed for younger children and are intrinsically linked to the current Keystage 1 curriculum.


Run by two experienced and skilled practitioners, these workshops include role-play, storytelling, and performance activities. Each theme includes interactive activities where every child can take part, they will use their acting skills and imagination to build castles, become historical characters and fight fires!


We make history fun for everyone!


Each Keystage 1 session has a 1 hour run time and a maximum of 30 participants per session.

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Keystage 1 Workshop Themes

Can't find what you're looking for? Any of our Keystage 2 workshop themes can also be adaped to suit a Keystage 1 audience. Or request a bespoke theme for your topic.

Castles Keystage 1 Workshop

Discover more about British Castles in this entertaining and engaging workshop for Keystage 1. Topics include:


  • Learning the different parts of the castle, why they were built & what they were for. The pupils will use their acting skills to build a castle using their own bodies - everyone can take part!


  • How to defend a castle against an attack. Children will defend their castle from siege ladders, don their armour, and dodge catapult attacks in this interactive game. The challenge will keep on getting greater, can the pupils keep up?


  • How to successfully besiege an enemy castle. Students will sneak up on a sleeping knight and see if they can poison the enemy castle's drinking well - fun and informative! Some seriously stealthy skills will be needed to achieve victory!

Great Fire of London Keystage 1 Workshop
The Great Fire
of London

Travel back in time to London in 1666 to learn more about the Great Fire in this exciting and educational session for Keystage 1. Topics include:


  • How & where did the fire start. Students will use their acting skills to build a bakery using their own bodies. The pupils will then use their detective skills to deduce how the fire started and spread.


  • Fighting fires in 1666. Children will harness their fire fighting abilities by throwing buckets of water, wielding halberds, and dodging fireballs in this interactive and hilarious challenge.


  • How the people of London reacted. Pupils will create an exciting tableaux of the panic on the streets of London.


  • Creating better firebreaks - using dynamite. Can the children finally stop the fire? They'll have to prove it by lobbing dynamite in this dangerous finale.

The Gunpowder

Uncover the facts about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot in this inspiring session for Keystage 1. Topics include:


  • Why did Guy Fawkes plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament? Set the scene by using roleplay to recreate the quarrels between the rival groups of the Protestants and Catholics. 


  • How to be a Gunpowder Plotter. Join forces with Guy in this fun, interactive challenge. Host secret meetings, carry the gunpowder to the tunnels, lay the fuse wire and write warning letters to your friends.


  • What happened on the 5th of November? Take on the role of Guy Fawkes himself to try to sneak past the guard to blow up the gunpowder.


  • A public execution. Children will create a frozen picture of the public reaction to the execution of Guy Fawkes. Will it be a time of celebration or a time of fear?

Florence Nightingale Keystage 1 Workshop

Step into Florence Nightingale's hospital with this fun and informative session for Keystage 1. Topics include:


  • The Scutari hospital before Nightingale's arrival. Children will unleash their acting skills to recreate Scutari hospital using their bodies, they will become rats, patients and doctors as they create a tableaux.


  • The hospital at night. Pupils will guide an unwitting doctor to see if he can make it through the hospital at night in this super-fun challenge.


  • The work of Nightingale & her nurses. Pupils will follow in Florence's footsteps as they clean floors, change sheets, and carry stretchers in our interactive game.


  • The hospital after Nightingale's improvements. Students will compare and contrast the changes to the hospital to see for themselves the differences Florence Nightingale made.

The Great Plague

Be transported back to 1660's England during the Great Plague with this enjoyable and illuminating workshop for Keystage 1. Topics include:


  • Recognising the tell-tale signs of the plague. The pupils will take on the roles of the Searchers and use their acting skills to re-create a plague victim's house. Can they help prevent the spread of the plague before it's too late?


  • Using song to help recall facts about the plague. Children will create fun new actions to the 'Ring-O-Roses' nursery rhyme to help them uncover the true secret meaning of the song.


  • How the plague affected different cities in England. Every child can be involved to re-create York, Eyam and London in 1665/6 using just their bodies & acting skills. Can they work together as a team to complete this final perilous challenge?

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