What is the Neolithic? - All the important bits for Key Stage 2
Updated: Feb 1, 2023
The Stone Age is split into three eras; the Palaeolithic, the Mesolithic and the Neolithic.
The Neolithic Era is the last of the Stone Age eras and is also known as the "New" Stone Age.
The Neolithic Era in Britain began around 4,500BC (ish) and ended around 2,500BC (ish)*.
The Stone Age ended when early human beings started to use metals, such as bronze, to make their tools and weapons instead of stones. This was the start of the Bronze Age.
*These dates vary from place to place because prehistoric humans across the world developed their skills at different speeds - some moved on to using metal tools & weapons faster than others.
Here's some interesting things that happened in the Neolithic:
Writing was invented in Sumer, in southern Mesopotamia around 3500 - 3000 BC.
Farming replaced hunting in the Neolithic. It was a much more reliable way to gather lots of food for your population.
Because of the advances in farming, people settled down in one place and settlements became much bigger, before eventually turning into towns and cities
Some settlements in the Indus Valley were incredibly advanced, they even had basic plumbing.
Want to learn more about the eras of the Stone Age? Then you'll definitely want Imagining History to bring their 'A Handy Guide to Survive the Stone Age' Interactive workshop to your school.
Our Award-Winning sessions combine role-play, storytelling, demonstrations, and drama and performance to bring history to life for your students.
Further reading: